This system saves us time and money
and greatly improves accuracy

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Supplier of anti corrosion systems to the Oil and Gas transmission pipeline

– Purchase Order System
Raise and track non-stock purchase orders and related documents to enforce internal controls, save time and increase accuracy.

Maintaining a supplier database and managing non-stock purchase orders and related documents throughout entire purchase order life cycle. Managing and filing all related documents (quotations, purchase orders, delivery notes, invoices, credits). Ensuring standard terms and conditions go out with purchase orders. Enforcing internal controls with user-specific limits and supervisor approval when a user exceeds their limit. Providing monthly reporting on expenditure and completed and outstanding orders. Staff knowing the status of their purchase orders and being able to keep track of and take over someone else's in their absence. Recording full or part delivery of a purchase order. Reporting on completed orders to indicate whether an invoice should be paid. Disruption caused during an audit due to so much time spent helping an auditor look at purchase orders and related documents.

A bespoke purchase order system fully compatible with existing computer systems and accessible from any computer in the office. The system allows a user to raise and manage purchase orders and email them to suppliers with terms and conditions automatically included in the document. The system is also accessible from the warehouse to allow incoming orders to be recorded. Staff expenditure limits in place prevent staff raising a purchase order over their limit without approval from a supervisor. Notifications of the need for approval and subsequent approval from a supervisor via the system. Full document management and multi-user level access to allow for appropriate security and auditor access. Automatic email reports from the system to users indicating the status purchase orders. Additional manual reporting based upon date selection. System is supported and maintained on an ongoing basis by Corinium Solutions.

Immediate improvement over the old system following implementation. Purchase order process is more accurate and more transparent to supervisors and it is impossible to send a purchase order document without terms and conditions. Reporting allows for proactive monitoring to catch potential problem. Reporting at the touch of a button to assist in future cash flow forecasting. Minimised disruption during an audit by allowing an auditor full access to the purchase order life cycle, and related documents without the need for staff.
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